
CRNI 2002

2002 – 4th CRNI COURSE | Bergamo (Italy) | 20-23 March

Immunosoppressione non-selettiva

I Day

Non antigen specific immunosuppression

  • Immunoregulatory effects of hormones (L. Matera)
  • Immunisuppression using cytotoxic drugs:mechanisms of action (F. Valtorta)
  • Bone marrow transplantation in autoimmunity (R. Saccardi)

II Day

Cytokine and chemokines: tools for immunotherapie

  • Cytokines: mechanisms of action and immunological profile (M. Colombo)
  • Chemokines: role in inflammation (P. Panina)
  • Immunological mechansims of interferons (L. Rogge)
  • Regulatory cells in innate immunity: possible drugs or possible therapeutic targets (P. Della Bona)


  • Anti-cytokine antibodies: drug resistance or drug modulation? (A. Vincent)
  • Pharmacological block of lymphocyte trafficking across the BBB: adhesion molecules and MMPs (G. Constantin)
  • IFN b in MS: present use and future applications (V. Martinelli)

Antigen-specific immunotherapies

  • The present and the future of the trimolecular complex (G. Casorati)
  • Immunological basis of antigen-specific therapies (V. Barnaba)
  • Antigen-specific therapies in CNS diseases; possible immunological targets (G. Ristori/M. Salvetti)
  • Immune therapy in dysimmune neuropathies: present and future targets (E. Nobile-Orazio/M. Carpo).

IV Day

  • Co-stimulatory molecules as possible new therapeutic target (L. Adorini)
  • Altered peptide ligands and copaxone; preliminary experience in MS (G. Comi)
  • Antigens and specific therapeutic targets in paraneoplastic diseases (B. Giometto)
  • TNF a inhibitors as immunsuppressant drugs (P. Rieckman)
