2010 – 10th CRNI COURSE | Bergamo (Italy) | 10-13 March
Frontiere Terapeutiche in Neurologia
I Day
- Introduction (L. Adorini)
- Tolerization Strategies (L. Adorini)
- Stem Cell Biology (E. Cattaneo)
- Neural Stem Cells (S. Pluchino)
- How to Design a Clinical Trial (MP. Sormani)
II Day
- Cell Therapies (F. Frassoni)
- The Adaptive Th cell immunity (F. Annunziato)
- Mesenchimal Stem Cells (A. Uccelli)
- T regulatory Cells (MR. Bacchetta)
- MS syndrome or single disease? (S. Sotgiu – A. Uccelli)
Vaccinations and Monoclonal Antibodies
- AD and Vaccination (H. Perry)
- MS and Vaccination (D. Wraith)
- MoABs for the Therapy of the PNS (H. Willison)
- MoABs And HERV (H. Perron)
Interactive didactics
- Are animal models predictive for humans? (L. Battistini – S. Pluchino)
IV Day
Neuroprotection and repair
- Neuroprotection of Peripheral Nerves (G. Lauria)
- Nanotechnologies and Biopolimers for Nerve Repair (A. Quattrini)
- Antisens Nucleotides in Myasthenia: the Clinical Trial (Zohar Argov)
- Therapeutic Paradigms Change in Neuroimmunology (G. Martino)