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Pre-doctoral/Post-doctoral Fellowship position in Neuroimmunology available at the Institute of Translational Pharmacology (CNR of Rome) and Resolution of Neuroinflammation Laboratory (IRCCS Santa Lucia Foundation)

Dr. Valerio Chiurchiù is looking for a postdoctoral fellow to work on field of chemotherapy-induced cognitive impairment known as “chemofog”.

The position is financed by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research on PNRR European Founding (PRIN 2022 – PNRR) and is a partnership with the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology “Vittorio Erspamer” of Sapienza University of Rome.

The project aims at investigating the role of microglia in chemotherapy-induced learning and memory impairment in a rodent model of ‘chemofog’ in models of microglia-depleted mice in either white- or grey-matter and the underlying molecular mechanisms, structural and functional synaptic alterations. The technical approach of the project is multidisciplinary and it involves behavioral studies, electrophysiology, immunohistochemistry, transcriptomics and high-dimensional flow cytometry.

What we are looking for and what we offer? How to apply? Click on the button below

Ricercatore biomedico, infiammazione e malattie neurologiche

Il Laboratorio di Neuropsicobiologia Sperimentale dell’IRCCS Fondazione Santa Lucia di Roma cerca laureati in discipline medico/biologiche da inserire come ricercatori, a partire da Gennaio 2023. 

I candidati selezionati dovranno contribuire all’implementazione di specifici programmi di ricerca collaborativi e multidisciplinari che vertono sull’identificazione dei processi infiammatori coinvolti nelle malattie neurodegenerative e neuropsichiatriche. 

Requisiti essenziali sono un percorso scientifico orientato in senso biomedico (e.g. training specifici presso un laboratorio scientifico, partecipazione a congressi, pubblicazioni, etc.) e una comprovata esperienza di laboratorio che include la conoscenza teorico/pratica di citofluorimetria a flusso e di saggi immunologici. 

Si richiede altresì attitudine al lavoro di squadra, motivazione ed orientamento all’eccellenza e capacità di lavorare in autonomia. È essenziale una buona conoscenza della lingua inglese parlata e scritta.

I candidati saranno inizialmente inquadrati con un contratto temporaneo o borsa di studio commisurati all’esperienza e alle competenze del loro profilo. E’ possibile prevedere specifici percorsi formativi.

Inviare la candidatura e il CV al seguente indirizzo

Santa Lucia Fondation – Fellowship in Neuroimmunology

A fellowship is available from April 2022 in the Molecular Neuroimmunology laboratory headed by Elisabetta Volpe at the Fondazione Santa Lucia in Rome. The research team is especially interested in studying immunological mechanisms involved in
neuroinflammatory diseases. The overall objective of the work is to better understand the cross-talk between immune cells and glial cells in multiple sclerosis.

We are looking for a highly motivated graduate students (Biology, Biotechnology, Pharmacy, or Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology) interested in molecular and cellular immunology. Preference will be given to candidates with a phD, and proven expertise in the following techniques: flow cytometry, cell culture, molecular biology, handling of human and murine samples.

Application details
CV should be sent to

Fellowship – Immunology Unit

One fellowship available at the Immunology Unit of the Dipartimento di Scienze Cliniche Internistiche, Anestesiologiche e Cardiovascolari Sapienza Università di Roma

One fellowship is available at the Immunology Unit to work on a project dealing with the deep multidimensional analysis of autoimmune responses in multiple sclerosis (MS), under the supervision of Dr Maria Manuela Rosado. The project is part of a funded FISM* Research Project, entitled “Interplay between autoreactive T cells and regulatory T cells in multiple sclerosis patients”, which integrate different clinical units and independent research groups, including those located within the Sapienza campus, and Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT) of Rome, leveraging complementary expertise in immunology, neuroimmunology, immunotherapy, omics, and imaging. The proposed project aims at the extensive characterization of antigen-specificity of regulatory T cells (Tregs) in MS. The dynamics of autoreactive and virus-specific T cells, in relation with regulatory T cells specific to self-antigens associated with SM, signals mediated by the TNF/TNFR family, and response to MS therapies will be analyzed. The project will integrate state-of-the-art mass spectrometry-based proteomics with multiparametric flow cytometry, NGS, single cell RNA-seq, deep TCR sequencing and computational analysis of the data, to shed light on the mechanisms of regulation of T cell activation in response to self or non-self-antigens with respect to the inflammatory status of MS patients.

We seek highly motivated and dynamic individuals with a strong interest for translational research and teamwork attitude. The applicant must have prior working experience in flow cytometry, in molecular and cellular immunology, and ability to work independently. The expertise or the ability of learning quickly in animal model studies, and to write scientific papers would be appreciated. The fellow will be fully involved in an exciting and ambitious program project embracing clinical and fundamental research, and will have access to cutting-edge flow cytometry, and the omics facilities previously described.

Position Available as a Post-doctoral Researcher at Neurocentro della Svizzera Italiana

The position of a Post-doctoral Researcher

Is available in the Parkinson’s disease group at the Laboratory for Biomedical Neurosciences (LBN), Neurocenter of Southern Switzerland in Lugano, for a project that aims at immuneprofiling extracellular vesicles in plasma of patients with Parkinson’s disease and at understanding their role in the pathogenesis of neurodegeneration. Candidates must hold a PhD in Experimental Biology/Biomedicine, be highly motivated and independent in carrying the experimental work. Mastering immunological techniques, as well as cell cultures and an excellent background in immunology and neuroinflammation, are highly recommended. Fluent spoken and written English is mandatory. The position is for two years. Application inclusive of a CV, list of publications, and contact addresses of two referees should be sent to:

PD Giorgia Melli,
Group Leader Parkinson’s disease group, LBN
Via ai Söi 24
CH-6807 Torricella-Taverne
Tel: 0041 91 8116535

Position Available at Institute of Neuroscience, UCLouvain, Brussels, BE


Object: Post-doctoral position in the Neurochemistry Unit, Cellular and Molecular Division, Institute of Neuroscience, UCLouvain, Brussels, Belgium

The Neurochemistry Unit performs translational research on Multiple Sclerosis (MS), namely on the role of extracellular vesicles (EVs) and their bioactive components (microRNAs, lipids) on disease pathogenesis, by studying their impact on the immune response, neuroinflammation and myelin disruption/repair. Ultimately this project aims to develop novel nanomedicines incorporating the novel bioactive components (or molecules modulating their effects), to be delivered non-invasively to the central nervous system.

A large serum and CSF biobank collection is available to characterize EVs from MS patients. The protocols for isolating EVs are validated. Cellular models for analysis of the effects of bioactive components of EVs are being developed (peripheral blood mononuclear cells, oligodendrocyte, astrocyte and microglial cell lines).

The Institute of Neuroscience and the lab have access to all standard equipment to perform research
(cell culture, RT-qPCR, protein analysis) but also to flow cytometry, ECLIA, Nanoparticle Tracking Analyzer and the SIMOA technology.

Position Available at University of Genoa, Neuroimmunology Laboratory


Assegno di ricerca III fascia presso il laboratorio di NeuroImmunologia, Università di Genova.

Il programma di ricerca all’interno del quale si inserisce la posizione ha come obiettivo comprendere come il metabolismo contribuisce alla generazione di cellule immunitarie che hanno un ruolo importante in malattie autoimmuni come la Sclerosi Multipla. In particolare, studieremo il ruolo di neuroni ipotalamici AgRP che regolano il metabolismo energetico, nel controllo neurale dell’ematopoiesi e della linfopoiesi in un modello murino di Sclerosi Multipla.

Ricerchiamo un post-doc laureato in Biologia o Biotecnologie, possibilmente con comprovata esperienza in istologia e microscopia confocale, ma valutiamo anche candidati con esperienza in citofluorimetria, allestimento di culture cellulari primarie e biologia molecolare.

Il bando scade il 1/04/2021 ed è consultabile a questo link:


The research program within which the position fits, aims to understand how metabolism contributes to the generation of immune cells that play a role in autoimmune diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis. Specifically, we will study the role of hypothalamic AgRP neurons, which regulate energy metabolism, in the neural control of hematopoiesis and lymphopoiesis in a mouse model of Multiple Sclerosis.

We are looking for a post-doc with a degree in Biology or Biotechnology, possibly with proven experience in histology and confocal microscopy, but we also evaluate candidates with experience in cytofluorimetry, primary cell culture and molecular biology.

The deadline for submission is 1/04/2021:

Position Available in the Autoimmune neurology team of Fondazione Policlinico Gemelli

JOB STATUS: Full-time | HOURS PER WEEK: 35 | OFFER STARTING DATE: 01/06/2021 | DURATION: 1 year with the possible extension for 2 additional years.


A post-doctoral position is available in the Autoimmune neurology team of Fondazione Policlinico Gemelli for a collaborative project funded by the Italian Ministry of Health on single-cell deep phenotyping of B lymphocytes in patients with Myasthenia Gravis.


The Neurology Unit of Fondazione Policlinico Universitario “A. Gemelli” IRCCS (FPUG) has a long-standing expertise in autoimmune neurological diseases. It provides clinical and diagnostic services for immune-mediated diseases, with about 3000 outpatients visits performed per year. The Unit is a National Referral Centre for neurological antibody-mediated diseases.

The Autoimmune Neurology lab is fully equipped with a full range of instrumentation required for research in cellular and molecular Core facilities of FPUG include: cryobank, animal house, and the center of light and electron microscopy, flow cytometry and sorting facilities.


Our work is principally focussed on the detection of neurological autoantibodies in patients and on developing a better understanding of causes and treatment of antibody mediated neurological conditions. The main diseases studied are autoimmune encephalitis and epilepsy, autoimmune ataxia, NMOSD, MOGAD and myasthenia gravis.


We invite applications from outstanding and highly motivated candidates with a PhD in Biology, Molecular Biology, Biotechnology or related subjects.

The ideal successful candidate should have experience with human lymphocyte culture, flow cytometry and molecular biology techniques. Experience with single-cell RNAseq would be desirable.

The candidate should have strong analytical and writing skills and excellent interpersonal, organizational and communication attitudes.

The salary will be discussed during the interview based on the experience of the candidate.

Please send your CV to: Raffaele Iorio, MD, PhD (

Research Position: Istituto Nazionale Genetica Molecolare

We are looking for an outstanding and highly motivated Scientist to work on the CARIPLO-funded research project (from February 2021):

“Role of T-cells in injury evolution after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage.”

The ideal successful candidate should have experience with human lymphocyte culture, flow cytometry and molecular biology techniques.


Zanier and Zoerle,  Br J Anaesth. 2013

Zanier et al., Neurology, 2014

Zoerle et al., Crit Care Med, 2015

Paroni, JACI 2017

Please send your CV to:

Jens Geginat ( and Chiara Vasco (
