
CRNI 2003

2003 – 5th CRNI COURSE | Bergamo (Italy) | 12-15 March

Autoimmunità e neurodegenerazione: aspetti di base e risvolti clinici

I Day

  • Relation ship between the CNS and the immune system (R. Weller)
  • Clinical spectrum of CNS demyelinating diseases (A. Compston)
  • Differential diagnosis of demyelinating diseases (G. Comi)

II Day

Autoimmunity abd nervous system: basic and clinical aspects (II)

Neurological complications od systemic autoimmune diseases

  • Clinical significance of autoantibodies: practical guidelines (P. Meroni)
  • Neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus: immunopathogenic and clinical features (A. Afeltra)
  • Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome: news (A. Tincani)
  • GvHD in the CNS: a new clinical entity? (A. Uccelli)


Neuronal degeneration: basic concepts

  • Mechanisms of axonal damage in the CNS (G. Mancardi)
  • Mechanisms of axonal damage in the PNS (N. Rizzuto)
  • Neurophysiological asessment of axonal damage (L. Leocani)
  • Imaging of axonal degeneration (N. De Stefano)

Autoimmunity and neurodegeneration (I)

  • Brain and spinal cord injuries: new frontiers in therapy (M. Schwartz)
  • The role of immunity in cerebrovascular disorders (A. L. Sirén)
  • Epileptic encephalopathies: pathogenic hypotheses (R. Mantegazza)
  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: pathogenic hypotheses (V. Silani)

IV Day

Autoimmunity and neurodegneration (II)
