
6th ESNI Course 2005

2005 – 6th ESNI COURSE | Thessaloniki (Greece) | 12-15 September

I Day

Methods in Neuroimmunology

  • Mechanisms of tissue injury in human inflammatory brain diseases(H. Lassman)
  • Regulation of the immune response within the central nervous system (J. Antel)
  • Immunoregulation of Th1 and Th2 responses in neuroinflammation (L. Probert)
  • Cholinergic signals: a bridge between the nervous and the immune systems (I. Shaked)
  • Antibody assays for neuronal targets (A. Vincent)
  • Biomarkers in neuroinflammation: the role of cell surface molecules, cytokines and proteases(A. Miller)
  • Pharmacogenetic approaches in neuroimmunology (I. Grossman)
  • Animal models in neuroimmunological diseases (N. Grigoriadis)

II Day


  • The immunological homunculus(F. Quintana)
  • Specificity and degeneracy of T cell recognition in CNS autoimmunity: considerations for the development of antigen and TCR specific therapies (B. Hemmer)
  • DNA vaccination with pro-inflammatory cytokines (N. Karin)
  • DNA vaccination with encephalitogenic epitopes in autoimmune disease (A. Lobell)
  • Neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory therapeutic approach in experimental stroke (D. Hermann)
  • T cell receptor peptide therapy in myasthenia gravis (S. Cohen-Kaminsky)
  • Neuroinflammation in Alzheimer’s disease as a possible window for intervention? (T. Wiss-Coray)
  • Statins: immunomodulatory effects and therapeutic potential for multiple sclerosis (0. Neuhaus)



  • Non-MHC gene influences in rat neuroinflammation (M. Jagodic)
  • Gene positioning in rodent inflammation (R. Holmdhal)
  • MHC gene influences and function in neuroinflammation (R. Weissert)
  • HLA and human neuroinflammation (J. Hillert)
  • Non-MHC genetics in humans (S. Sawcer)
  • Genetics of neurodegeneration (F. Piehl)
  • Genetics of peripheral neuropathies (C. Vedeler)
  • Genetics of inflammation (ApoE and more) in models of neurodegeneration (D. Michaelson)

IV Day

Infection and autoimmunity

  • Overview of molecular mimicry and post-infectious mechanisms (S. Miller)
  • Mechanisms of mimicry in human diseases: the post streptococcal syndrome (PANDAS) paradigm (D. Karrusis)
  • The significance of LPS and bacterial antigens in neurological para-infectious syndromes: the paradigm of Guillaine Barre Syndrome (I. Wirguin)
  • Potential role of bacterial superantigens as triggers of autoimmune demyelination (P. Stinissen)
  • Endogenous retroviruses and multiple sclerosis (T. Brudek)
  • HIV and immune mediated neurological syndromes: mechanisms (I. Steiner)
  • Post-polio syndrome: facts and myths (T. Olsson)
  • Neuro-Lyme; what’s new (M. Fritzchke)