
Para-infectious brain injury in COVID-19 persists at follow-up despite attenuated cytokine and autoantibody responses

Covid 19 infection can be associated to neurological complications varying from mild symptoms like headache and myalgia to severe such as encephalitis/encephalopathies or Guillain Barre syndrome. The pathophysiological mechanism underlying these disorders still remains largely unknown. In this context Michael BD et Al. studying the relationship between the SarsCov2 infection, the consequently immunological signature and the neuroaxonal damage biomarkers demonstrating that:

– Serum markers of neuroaxonal damage (NfL, GFAP and total Tau) were significantly higher in COVID-19 participants than in healthy controls

– Covid 19 patients with neurological complications presented elevated markers of neuroaxonal damage, not only in the acute phase but also during convalescence (NfL and GFAP), compared with Covid 19 patients without neurological complications

– Biomarkers of innate immune system activation in Covid 19 participants were increased in the acute phase but not during recovery and correlated with CNS damage

– Covid19 patients was prone to produce antibodies targeting neuroglial antigens