2015 – 15th CRNI COURSE | Bergamo (Italy) | 25 – 28 March
From gut to brain: the role of diet and intestinal immunity in neuroimmunology
I Day
- Opening of the Course (G. Como. – G. Martino)
- The microbiota – brain axis (M. Lyte)
- The intestinal brain (M.D. Gershon)
- Microbiota and the immune system (D. Cavalieri)
- Microbiota and diet (F. Del Chierico)
II Day
- Diet, hormones and autoimmunity (G. Matarese)
- Hygiene hypothesis (M. Pugliatti)
- Gluten sensitivity and gluten ataxia (C. Briani)
- The smell of autoimmunity (Y. Shoenfeld)
- Decision making in medicine (P. Mosconi, C. Colombo)
- Microbiota and psychiatric diseases (M.R. Muscatello)
- Microbiota and Multiple Sclerosis (L. Battistini )
- Macrobiota and therapy (A. Gasbarrini)
- Diet and autoimmunity: the case of Vitamin D (A. Antico)
- Clinical cases
IV Day
- Eating disorders and autoimmunity (E. Erzegovesi)
- Nutrition regulates the circadian clock (R. Zelaschi)
- Science in the kitchen: molecular cuisine (D. Cassi)
- Food and autoimmunity (C. Selmi)