
3rd ESNI Course 2002

2002 – 3rd ESNI COURSE | Tampere (Finland) | 11-14 September

I Day

Regulatory immune-responses in the nervous system

  • An overview on regulatory T cells (D. Wraith)
  • The dual role of NKT cells in autoimmunity (L. Van Kaer)
  • Evasion of clearance by CD(+ cells in autoimmunity (M. Brahic)
  • The genetics of complex traits (D.A.S. Compston)
  • The role of T cells in the nervous system. A general overview (H. Wekerle)
  • Antigen specific CD8+ T cells in EAE/MS (R. Liblau)
  • Regulation of immune response by residente cells of the central nervous system (J. Antel)
  • The role of CD8+ cells in myositis (R. Gold)

II Day

Humoral factors in neurological disease

  • Activation to cell death: humoral factors in the immunopathogenesis of neurological disease (D. Linington)
  • Chemokines and microglia in the developing CNS (D. Male)
  • Animal models for inherited neuropaties: an unexpected link to neuroimmunology (R. Martini)
  • Connections between the brain and the immune system – How real are they? (R.O. Weller)
  • The current state of peripheral neuropathies with anti-glucolipid antibodies (H. Willison)
  • Paraneoplastic antibodies – what determines the target antigens? (J. Honnorat)
  • Antibodies and cytokines in epilepsy (J. Peltola)
  • Antibodies in peripheral and CNS disordes (A. Vincent)



  • General overview on mechanisms of immune mediated CNS damage (H. Perry)
  • CNS tissue damage mediated by Class I restricted T-cells (H. Neumann)
  • The role of microglia in immune mediated tissue damage (I. Alafuzoff)
  • Cytokine mediated brain damage (L. Probert)
  • Pathagenesis of paraneoplastic encephalitis (R. Voltz)
  • Pathagenesis of HIV-dementia (M. Tardieu)
  • Patterns and mechanisms of tissue damage in multiple sclerosis (H. Lassmann)
  • Rationale for early intervention in multiple sclerosis (G. Comi)

IV Day


  • Intravenous immunoglobulin: how might in work (N. Scolding)
  • Chemokine/chemokine receptors as drug targets in neuroinflammation (A. Ericsson – Dahlstrand)
  • Matrix metalloproteases-new therapeutic target (A. Miller)
  • Antiexcitotoxic treatment in neuroinflammation (T. Smith)
  • The immunoregulatory effects and therapeutic use of corticosteroids in immuno mediated diseases (I. Elovaara)
  • Strategies for strong immunosuppresion in CNS and PNS inflammatory diseased (R.Q. Hintzen)
  • Emerging gene- and stem-cell therapy approaches for demyelonating disorders (G. Martino)

Final Program